My discoveries:
Vitamin B12 is needed to prevent anemia--only source is animal products--raw red meat (not trying this one anytime soon--and raw milk and raw milk products. Pasteurization kills a ton of good stuff in milk. Read about the safety of raw milk and what pasteurization does to milk here. What convinced me to switch though, is that this is the way our ancestors have had milk for years and years and it did them a great deal of good. Whole milk from the cow was considered a health food. Take for example this quote from Laura Ingalls Wilder in Little House on the Prairie after the family received their first cow after settling in the prairie and they got enough milk to fill a small cup. "Pa and Ma and Mary and Laura all agreed to give the milk to Baby Carrie" (171). She would need the milk above all of them, but they drank the milk from that day forward. It is a new concept to drink skim milk for health, but that will have to wait for a different post for full explanation. My son would not drink pasteurized milk after I weaned him from nursing, however, a few months later when I gave him raw milk, he loved it! He drinks it all the time now. I've often wonder if it tastes better to him because it is more like what he is used to from nursing.
Phytates in grains. The USDA promotes a diet rich in whole grains (ie. not white flour), this is wonderful, except that most of our grains today aren't properly prepared and are full of phytates. Unless grains are properly prepared (ie. sourdough, soaked grains, sprouted grains--all ways our ancestors made grains by the way, before brewer's yeast was introduced) then the body may be unable to assimilate minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium and others. Phytates (aka phytic acid) combines with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc in the intestinal track blocking their absorption.
Iron needs things like fat-soluble vitamins that are found in butter and cod liver oil. I took neither of these before these findings.
For iron absorption: the trace mineral molybdenum is needed in small amounts which can be found in lentils, liver, grains, legumes, and dark green leafy veggies. I only ate dark green veggies and ill-prepared grains prior.
So, I added a few new things to my diet--lentils, cod liver oil and raw milk, and I started making sourdough bread and soaked grains and viola! My energy is much improved. I'll be anxious to see what my blood tests reveal about my iron the next time my blood is taken; I think my levels will be right where they need to be.
I'd love to hear any questions or discussion points you have on this topic.
I remember learning in history class about how, on longer voyages, the Vikings would peel the rust off of certain metals in order to help maintain their health--i.e., supplement their iron intake.
Have you considered this method? I'm sure if you threw a handful of rust flakes in with a raw-milk milkshake, you wouldn't even know the difference! Can't be much worse than the current craze of eating grass. :)
haha! I'm sure that it also helped with scurvy. Thanks for the tip, but I think I'll stick to food that tastes good and is nutritious because I definitely believe that they can be. Also, I'm very against grass--I'm not a cow with four stomachs, my body can't assimilate grass for nutritive value. I think I'll stick to yummy eggs, meat, and milk.
(I think you are mocking me) :) I'm okay with that though, I think it's my lot in life. Dad always said if I'm doing something against the grain of most people I'm probably doing something right. Obviously, this isn't a principle that can be applied to everything.
Mocking is too strong of a word....poking fun, maybe, but only out of love! :)
Seriously, though, I do respect and appreciate that you take heed to what you place in your (and your child's) body. I am a bit of a health nut, also, and I advocate that others eat healthily and intelligently.
Perhaps I should create a new cereal: Iron Flakes.
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