Monday, November 3, 2008

Embarking on an Adventure

This week a large portion of the family on my husband's side is embarking on an adventure. My mother-in-law, sister-in-law and myself are the wedding decorators for one of my best friend's wedding. The fun part about this wedding is that it is two dear friends. My husband has known the groom since he was a teenager from Kansas Bible Camp. The bride is a dear friend we met while in Oklahoma City after college. We met her at church and God knit our friendship together. We are so excited from them, but have also decided that we are a little crazy to not only be doing the decorations and in the wedding party, we also made all of the favors--homemade apple butter. We think ceremonies are important and that people do not place enough importance on the ceremony of a wedding. If something is just haphazardly thrown together with no thought then we are missing something. God loves ceremonies and believes they are important. Look at all the covenants--ceremonies. He has us perform a ceremony as identification of his body--baptism. He even calls Christians His bride and invites us to one day join the wedding feast. God values the picture that ceremonies create not only to those involved in the ceremony, but to those who observe the ceremony. Weddings seem to hold an extra special place as cited above, but also because Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding. There is something holy about knitting two people together with Christ.

With that in mind, we decided to help this couple with their ceremony, because they are special and we want this ceremony to honor God, as a picture of how their marriage will honor God.

The above picture is an early picture of one of the tables we hope to create at the wedding. I will post more pictures after we return.

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